So in my tenure here at school I have to say I've enjoyed myself quite a bit. College is a pretty cool place and you'll probably never get another chance to live in the manner that you do when your here unless you want people to think your crazy or a bum or something. So, I present things about college that I love!
1.) SLEEP! Oh the sleeping possibilities! I mean when in my life have I or will I be able to stay up as late as I want, sleep in till about 2, roll out of bed, sit in class for 50 minutes and then return to my room for a nap in order to prepare for the weekend? I believe the word your is NEVER! In college there must be some sort of space time continuum paradigm thinger maboble where you literally have done less than you have in your entire life but still manage to rack up more hours of sleep than you have before. Unsolved Mystery.
2.) People EVERYWHERE! people in your dorm, dorm room, in the bathroom, all over campus. They're throwing Frisbees by day, parties by night, food in the dining halls, water balloons when its hot, snowballs when its cold. And on top of all that they're usually some of the most creative people too. Like the invention of the soda can-icepack (step 1. take a soda can, Step 2. duck tape it to whatever seems to be ailing you) or the usage of lunch trays as sleds! Say what you will, college students know how to be resourceful when the occasion calls for it.
3.) Interior Decorating- I have posters hanging from my ceiling, Christmas lights up all year long and cinder blocks pretending to be a bookshelf. Any other time in my life and people would think me a hobo. nuff said.
4.) Foreigners! I know a bajillion people flood into the U.S. everyday, but when do you actually get the chance to meet them? Well for me at least the answer is never or rarely. Now lets put all those jokes about hard to understand TA's and grade curve destroying overachievers aside and learn to appreciate our foreign brethren. Seriously, I have learned a lot of random crap about other places since my beginnings at school. Like that in Ethiopia 1AM is at sunrise. Makes sense right? Or that Australians only wear Uggs to the beach, which just sounds uncomfortable. Or that Brits seem to relish eating a truly horrible jam-type substance called marmise. Meeting these people have also helped expand my vocabulary. For example I can now use the term "bogan" properly in a sentence; and if I ever find myself in Australia and trying to insult someone by calling them white trash I'll be all set. Another favorite of mine is the British term "bellend" which I'll let you put together;)
5.) Resources! Colleges these days are really on top of their shit when it comes to keeping the bright young minds of the future informed. Thanks to my school I have a massive library, which I, uh, frequent quite often.... super fast Internet, and over a hundred channels including several HBOs and showtime. Because what student's education wouldn't be complete without a little showtime? I really have learned how to multitask and can now youtube, facebook, watch TV, text, vlog, blog, ect. all from the comfort of my dorm room. So thank you college, for allowing me to really cultivate my abilities of procrastination.
Not that the value of my education thus far has been limited to those things, I think schooling may have entered the equation at some point, I'm just saying they're the big five that stick out in my mind.
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