Under every refrigerator, a cockroach that won't die.
In every class, an obnoxious know it all that won't shut up.
Don't bother trying to complain about your flat tire, they probably have an engine leak.
Don't mention your men troubles, their boyfriend probably cheated on them with their best friend and are still trying to mend their broken heart. *tear*
Basically whatever you think is wrong with your life, don't. Because they are sure to inform you that theirs is much, much worse.
Don't bother trying to take down notes in class peacefully, they will always correct your professor. Despite the fact that he or she probably has a PhD in the subject and has also been studying it their whole lives.
In fact don't try to ask any questions at all, because this person will always have a smarter, more detailed question.
The reason I bring this person up at all is because recently one my lectures was lucky enough to have the author of a novel we were reading come and speak to us. During this lecture of about 60 people there were about 3 that insisted on showing off their obvious genius. Now I'm sure they're all bright individuals, but would we not think twice before try to inform the author of a book what his book means? No?
The only thing better than watching those who believe they are intellectually superior than all the rest make fools of themselves is watching said author shut them down.
Student: so what role did architecture play in this novel
Author: It was to help depict the setting
Student: Right. But what did it tell us about the characters? What did they emote through it?
Author: Uhhhm not much, it was really just there for setting purposes.
Yup you pretentious bastard, shut up and stop looking for a pat on the head. Its nice to be involved and engaged. Its not as nice to speak just for the sake of speaking.
But no worries, the semester is over, you'll be able to tell whose in college because they'll emerge pale and pasty from their dorms gasping at the sunlight and fresh air having been locked in for the past week, so we won't have to deal with any of them for a few months.
Peace out cub scout! Its summer time :)
This makes me happy. Those fuckers are everywhere, behind every class that's only held for the questions they continue to thrive and ask stupid, stupid questions that get the profs on tangents! FML totally. PS: Luck beast, being all on your summer break and all, I'm stuck studying for another week and a half before I'm home free...and still in the shittiest of weather, might I add. But it's okay, because they have tasty cookies and chocolate here.
haha never fear it'll all be over soon enough! And then you get to return to America and bring back the tasty cookies and chocolate and all will be well again. Good luck with your last week and a half
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